
1) File -->New--> Name to new canvas to background layer.
2) In the preset, choose the custom-->set the width to 960 pixels and the height to 380 pixels.
3) Set the color mode to RGB color with 8 bit
4) Set the background contents to white
5) Press ok
6) Layer-->Fill the layer with solid pink color
7) Repeat the step from 1 to 5 to create a new canvas and name it to Layer 1
8) Layer-->Fill the layer with solid black color
9) Choose the Rectangular Marquee Tool, and drag a rectangular box in the Layer 1.
10) Use the move tool to drag the selected marquee to the background Layer 2.
11) Click on the horizontal type tool-->drag an rectangular marquee-->
Key in the blog title
12) Choose the font and the size of the title-->create wrapped text and choose the pattern.
13) Layer-->Blending Options-->Click on the drop shadow, inner shadow
and stroke. Design it and choose the desired color. In the drop shadow, choose the back color. And, In the inner shadow, choose the multiply in blend mode and choose the green color. In the stroke, fix the size to 5px -->ose the normal blend mode and yellow color.

14) Create a new canvas and name it as layer 2
15) File-->Open-->browse the image from your folder and put it into layer 2
16) Use the lasso tool to cut the edge of the image
17) Click on the move tool to drag the image that being lasso into the background layer. Edit->Transform-->Flip Vertically
19) Edit-->Free Transform-->Adjust the image size as you like
20) Click on the custom shape tool-->choose the desired shape, click on the desired color and then drag in into background layer.
21) Choose the art history brush tool-->choose the pattern of brush-->drag in into background layer
22) The blog banner is done
23) File-->Save as…-->Enter the file name and choose the format to JPEG.

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